

indepth horoscope Report

Zodiac sign of a person reveals a lot about his/her personality traits. When two people from different zodiac signs come together to form a relationship, zodiac compatibility check becomes very important as it will tell you the quality of relationship you are going to have in the long run.

Detailed Horoscope Compatibility Report
Corresponds to Vedic Astrology
Manglik / Kuja Dosha Check
Star, Rashi, Guna Milan Check
Comparision of Papasamyam
Analysis of Doshas
Dasa Sandhi Analysis

Features of Knowastro Horoscope Compatibility

Love or Arranged marriage?

Know everything about your marriage and married life from our experts.

What’s your personality like?

Your zodiac sign reveals a lot about you! Know your traits in detail.

Your professional life

Is your career going in the right direction? Get accurate horoscope report.

Face the rough patch

Get remedies for all your doshas and face life’s hardships without fear.

In-depth bhava chart

We analyse of health, family, career, education & other aspects of your life.

Celebrate success

Home buying, marriage or business, we give the perfect time to start everything.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Vedic astrology can be considered more precise than Western astrology. Western chart is round in shape and Vedic chart is square, and they work in two different mechanisms. Your sign and other planets might be different in Vedic astrology. Vedic astrology focuses on both psychological nature and prediction of future events and cycle, whereas Western astrology cannot be relied upon for the latter as it focuses solely on your psychological nature.
Simple! Register with us by filling in your details on the top right column for just Rs 599 and click ‘Choose payment option’. Complete your payment by selecting a payment method and get your 60-page long in-depth horoscope report on your registered email id.
We provide UPI, G Pay, Amazon Pay and Paytm as payment options on Knowastro.
We have highly professional astrologers at Knowastro who can give your complete accurate horoscope report including doshas and pariharas by analysing your online horoscope. Any dosha- Manglik, Sarp and so on, our experts will give you perfect remedies.
Yes. The planets rule our lives depending on our zodiac signs and each planet signifies different aspect of our lives. Vedic astrology considers only seven planets- Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Mercury and Saturn, and Rahu and Ketu are called shadow planets
You will need to fill the form and register with your details for free predictions. For detailed predictions, buy our all-in-one package for just Rs 599 and get 60-page worth accurate report.
Provide us with your date of birth, zodiac sign and other necessary details and get accurate predictions on your marriage. Register for free by filling the form on the top right corner.
Bhava chart is also known as natal chart that means a specified zodiacal division in the sky from the view point of an observer. There are twelve houses in Vedic astrology categorised into 4 categories called bhava. Get registered with Knowastro and ask our professionals.