
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Abdul Kalam

Horoscope sign Libra Abdul Kalam

BORN: 1931-10-15
SIGN: Libra
PROFESSION: Former President Of India

Abdul Kalam had been the country’s 11th president and his term of office spanned from the year 2002 to 2007. His career was that of a scientist who later turned into a politician. He was born on October 15th and is a Libran by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Planet Venus rules over Abdul Kalam’s natal chart and shapes his personality. Under the influence of Venus Kalam Ji always flaunts his charming best and also exhibits a remarkably lively spirit. He is generous by heart and patient in his disposition

Career scope

The brilliance and high intellect of Kalam ji gives him a vocation that he very much deserves. He works with immense enthusiasm and dedication and that makes professional success follow him everywhere.

Money scope

He was firm about not receiving any personal gifts and ensured that all personal gifts were duly tabulated and sent to the government's toshakhana. He owned precious little, save his 2,500 books, a wrist watch, six shirts, four trousers, three suits and a pair of shoes. Kalam did not own any property nor a fridge, TV, car or an air conditioner. This for a man who spent over five decades in public service, including his stint as President of the Republic.

Health scope

Dr. Kalam was a vegetarian and traditional South Indian preparations would typically constitute most of his regular meals. He loved traditional Iyengar food like Vendhya Kozhambu and Puliyodare. His favourite mom-cooked food was rice and sambarwith coconut chutney. "I often used to eat food with my mother in the kitchen. She used to serve my favourite dish on a banana leaf," Dr. Kalam related in the book.

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