
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Akhtar Hameed

Horoscope sign Cancer Akhtar Hameed

BORN: 1914-07-15
SIGN: Cancer

Akhtar hammed Khan is a world renowned social scientists and development practitioner from Pakistan and had been the proponent of many vital social theories. He was born on July 15th and is a Cancerian by virtue of his date of birth.

Personality scope

Akhtar Hameed Khan is caring, enthusiastic, and warm-hearted as an individual with a perfectly balanced temperament and a positive mindset. His warm spirit and positive aura makes him a good motivational force for others.

Career scope    

Akhtar Hameed is professionally dutiful and dedicated but often feels the need of getting acknowledged and rewarded in his career

Money scope

In money sector carefulness and sensibility rules on his part and that leads to an amplification of his financial domain

Health scope

Health issues are a common occurrence in his life and mostly result from over indulgent and unhealthy food habits.

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