
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Akilesh Yadav

Horoscope sign Cancer Akilesh Yadav

BORN: 1973-07-01
SIGN: Cancer
PROFESSION: Politician

Akilesh Yadav is Uttar Pradesh’s chief minister and is the youngest of all chief ministers to have held office so far. He was born on the 1st of July and is a Cancerian by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Akilesh Yadav is a true gentleman full of youthful energy, enthusiasm and spirits. He is a positive thinker and an excellent motivator. His full blooded energy and vigor makes him steal the show wherever he goes

Career scope

The career of Akilesh is ruled by his careeristic ambitions and initiatives. He charges ahead with utmost determination when it comes to his career and leaves no stone unturned to achieve his career goals. That is actually the secret of his career success at such an early age

Money scope

Career and hard work will fetch in money for him. However the financial inflow may not follow a consistent trend and there may be occasional periods of struggle in between

Health scope

Health-wise things will more or less be fine for Akhilesh though he may fall prey to cardiac or digestive system related disorders in the later part of his life

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