
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Anil Kumble

Horoscope sign Libra Anil Kumble

BORN: 1970-10-17
SIGN: Libra
PROFESSION: Cricket Player

Anil Kumble had been a famous bowler in team India. He emerged to limelight after having taken 619 wickets in the Test Cricket and remains till date, the world’s third highest taker of wickets. He was born on October 17 and is a Libran by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope                          

Planets Saturn and Venus impact and shape the personality of Anil Kumble. Under the impact of these planets Kumble turns out to be a highly resilient and confident individual with a remarkably daring streak in his nature

Career scope

Kumble is thoroughly careerist and ambitious when it comes to achieving his career targets. He dislikes wasting time at work and all his efforts are directed towards achieving the best in his domain of career.

Money scope

Financial situation of Kumble is more or less stable. Though he falls prey to impulsive spending at times he also engages in financial planning and budgeting at the same time. This gives a balanced approach to his way of handling money

Health scope

Being a sportsman his general health and fitness quotient are pretty impressive. He eats healthy, drinks healthy and lives healthy. However, occasionally overindulgence may sway him and deviate him from the path of health

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