
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Darshan Jariwala

Horoscope sign Libra Darshan Jariwala

BORN: 1958-09-29
SIGN: Libra

Darshan Zariwala is a film, TV and stage actor mainly focusing on Gujarati movies and shows. He won National Award for his brilliant performance as a Supporting Actor in the movie ‘Gandhi, My Father’. He was born on September 29 and is a Libran by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Planets Moon and Venus shape the personality of Darshan Zariwala. Under these planetary influences he turns out to be a highly equitable, efficient and amiable person. His perseverance and patience know no bounds.

Career scope

Career seems to be an arena for creative pursuits for him. He is all the time thirsty about gaining more and more knowledge and brushing up on his existing set of skills. That turns him into a better professional with each passing day

Money scope

He is skilled at budgeting and finds it easy to stay under a tight-fisted budget. Luxuries don’t attract him much and he hardly spends money unnecessarily and impulsively. Thus, financial stability is an inseparable part of his life

Health scope

He lacks consistency in matters of health and that often triggers certain minor illnesses in him. He aims towards good health but fails to keep up the enthusiasm towards maintaining it. He needs to be extra cautious on roads in order to avoid accidents

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