BORN: 1976-09-19
SIGN: Virgo
Isha Koppikar is a popular actress of Bollywood plus a model. Her films often elicit critical appreciation from the intellectual circle rather than scoring high at the box office. She was born on 19th September and is a virgo native by virtue of her date of birth
Personality scope
Planets Sun and Mercury act upon her personality giving her the relevant traits. Surging confidence levels, enthusiasm and energy make her a very positive human being who can make others bask in her warmth and aura
Career scope
Career is a domain she chooses to prove herself each minute. She loves work related challenges and explores those difficult areas to get seasoned and enhance herself as a professional
Money scope
In money matters, she is all the time sensible and wise. She dislikes taking risk in money matters and often consults the experienced people to get the best financial advice. Her prudence amplifies her wealth.
Health scope
She is blessed with top notch health. Sicknesses and illnesses hardly creep into her life. Her disciplined lifestyle and wholesome food choices hardly make her fall ill. In other words, she is quite a healthy person