
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Javagal Srinath

Horoscope sign Virgo Javagal Srinath

BORN: 1969-08-31
SIGN: Virgo
PROFESSION: Cricket Player

Javagal Srinath had been an ex cricketer in the Indian cricket team. He had been the country’s most excellent fast bowler. Currently Srinath is serving as ICC Match referee. He was born on 31st August and is a Virgo native by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Intelligence and enthusiasm are the traits that clearly define the personality of Javagal Srinath. He is also witty, intuitive and expressive and thus gets all attention most effortlessly

Career scope

Work is his worship. Srinath is very particular about efficiency and precision in work and strives best to achieve those. He always tries to improve the quality of his performance

Money scope

Financial stability and steady income are blessings that Srinath has received from the cosmos. However, at times he spends a lot due to his impulsive spending habits

Health scope

Srinath has a sound health. He follows a disciplined lifestyle and healthy food habit and that keeps his health in good shape all the time

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