
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Jawaharlal Nehru

Horoscope sign Scorpio Jawaharlal Nehru

BORN: 1889-11-14
SIGN: Scorpio
PROFESSION: The first Prime Minister of India

Jawaharlal Nehru had been an eminent figure in the Indian politics both pre-independence and post-independence. He had been the country’s first Prime minister. He was born on 14 th of November and was a Scorpion by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Planets Mercury and Pluto had made Nehru ji what he was. Under these planetary influences he became a real charismatic individual with a unique, spirited charm. His unflinching will power and courage added an edge to his personality

Career scope

Nehru Ji had been a sea of knowledge and intellectuality and he knew well to apply these attributes to his career domain in order to earn many laurels. At times, he tended to be slow in taking major career related decisions

Achievements scope

Jawaharlal Nehru’s achievements hardly need any introduction. He had served as president to the Indian national congress and had played a real paramount role in the country’s freedom struggle. Also, he had been the first PM of independent India. In 1955 Nehru ji was honored with the Bharat Ratna award for his significant contributions

Family and relationships scope

Nehru ji had very high and rather idealistic notions about his loved ones and always wished to maintain intimate connections with them. Superficial relationships had repelled him all the time.

Money scope

Nehru ji had been pretty casual about money and had never bothered much about earning a huge amount. He had a tendency to fall prey to frivolous spending impulses and did not care much about saving for future

Health scope

Nehru ji was drawn towards exhaustive activities of the mind and always wanted to counterbalance that through exhaustive physical activities. He had a high fitness quotient but was prone to getting fatigued easily

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