
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Manmohan Singh

Horoscope sign Libra Manmohan Singh

BORN: 1932-09-26
SIGN: Libra
PROFESSION: Former Prime Minister of India

Manmohan Singh is a renowned Indian economist plus politician who had functioned as the country’s Prime Minister from 2004 to 2014. He was born on 26th September and is a Libran by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Manmohan Singh’s personality is influenced by planets such as Saturn and Venus. These planetary influences make him a thoroughly creative individual who is at the same time remarkably persuasive, intuitive and competitive

Career scope

He is sincere when it comes to his work responsibilities and makes sure to utilize his talents and skills to the fullest to achieve the best at work. His high confidence levels allow him to do well in administrative or managerial designations

Money scope

Manmohan Singh is very good at money management. Being an economist, he knows how to manage his finances. Budgeting and saving money is an easy task for him and he does all that most excellently

Health scope

He is blessed with a decent health. He is conscious about healthy living and hardly makes any sort of unhealthy choices in life. This helps him retain his natural good health and vitality

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