
Today's Celebrity Horoscope


Horoscope sign Virgo NarendraModi

BORN: 1950-09-17
SIGN: Virgo
PROFESSION: Prime Minister of India

Narendra Modi is an eminent political figure of the country. He is the current prime minister and had even served as CM in Gujarat from the year 2001 to the year 2014. He was born on 17th September and is a Virgo native by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Planets Saturn and Mercury influence the personality of PM Modi. Calm and composed disposition marks his nature. He is analytical by nature and has an intellectual edge to his personality

Career scope

He does great in administrative posts and is able to showcase his team building capacity most aptly in his sphere of work. He is ambitious and likes to take challenges when it comes to realizing his career goals

Money scope

Financial wisdom comes naturally to Modi. He is skilled enough in handling money and understands all financial matters in an in-depth way. Thus money management and financial stability is never an issue for him

Health scope

He is blessed with a buoyant and energetic body. He is careful and conscious about healthy habits thereby making genuine attempts to maintain his health in good shape all the time

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