
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Pranav Mohanlal

Horoscope sign Cancer Pranav Mohanlal

BORN: 1990-07-13
SIGN: Cancer

Pranav Mohanlal is a very popular movie actor of the Indian movie industry. He takes ahead the legacy of his father, Mohanlal who is an actor too. He was born on the 13th of July and is a Cancerian by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Pranav is an excellent communicator and his personality and company makes one feel at home. He has a sympathetic approach towards everyone and everything in life. However, his moodiness makes him over-react occasionally.

Career scope

His excellent listening skills and capability to understand the delicate nuances of his career makes him a successful careerist who believes in working dedicatedly and perfecting his art

Money scope

Pranab is not very good with money. He spends impulsively and that leads him to overspend at times. In other words, he lacks the required money management skills

Health scope

Oral health is likely to be a concern for Pranab all the time and also there could be some underlying health issues troubling him from time to time

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