
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Sarat kumar

Horoscope sign Cancer Sarat kumar

BORN: 1954-07-14
SIGN: Cancer

Sarat kumar is a well known movie actor of the South Indian movie industry. He has also lived the career of a journalist and politician quite successfully. He was born on July 14th and is a cancerian by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope

Sarat has many attributes to his personality; generosity, sensitiveness and caring nature being the chief ones. He is always concerned with the well being of his near and dear ones and can adapt easily to any life situation.

Career scope

Sarat is happy about his career and works passionately towards his career goals. His creativity and instinctive knowledge boost his career success rate

Money scope

Money management is something which Sarat is yet to learn. He is not rational in matters of money and may end up over spending

Health scope

Sarat may face health hazards related to his metabolic system in the later part of his life. Thus, he needs to curb the intake of starchy foods

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