
Today's Celebrity Horoscope


Horoscope sign Libra Sneha

BORN: 1981-10-12
SIGN: Libra

Suhasini Rajaram Naidu is commonly known by her screen name Sneha. She is famed actress of the Indian movie industry and her works are mainly focused on South Indian movies. She was born on October 12 and is a Libran by virtue of her date of birth

Personality scope

Planets Jupiter and Venus shape the personality of Sneha. Under the planetary influence of these planets she is endowed with remarkable communicative wit and a sociable streak that gets her many friends and admirers.

Career scope

Sneha is hard working and ambitious. She chases her career dreams with utmost passion and does her best to prove her mettle in her professional setup. Her excellent communication skills help her in her career

Money scope

Financial situation of Sneha is threatened all the time due to her mindless spending habits. She is lured by luxuries and thus often ends up spending much beyond her means. That may result in a real tight spot for her

Health scope

She will have a good health provided she is careful about it. Watching out on her everyday diet, drinking ample water and incorporating exercises in her daily routines will help to boost her health.

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