
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Suman Ranganathan

Horoscope sign Leo Suman Ranganathan

BORN: 1974-07-26

Suman Ranganathan is a popular model plus actress of the Indian movie industry who has acted in many Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi and Bengali movies. She was born on July 26th and is a Leonite by virtue of her date of birth

Personality scope

Suman has excellent communication skills. Her interacting abilities make her grab all the eye balls and she enjoys being the object of attention which is of course in compliance with her typical Leonite demeanor

Career scope

Suman takes her work seriously and has a promising career. She enjoys maintaining some uniqueness and exercising independence of will when it comes to her career.

Money scope

Suman is blessed with financial wisdom and an ability to manage money. Thus, money is never a concern for her.

Health scope

Suman has sharpened sensibility in matters related to fitness and health. Thus, she’ll be able to steer clear of all major illnesses in her life

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