
Today's Celebrity Horoscope

Vikram Sarabhai

Horoscope sign Leo Vikram Sarabhai

BORN: 1919-08-12

Vikram Sarabhai, a renowned Indian scientist who is known to have pioneered the space program projects of the country. He was born on 12th of August and is a Leonite by virtue of his date of birth

Personality scope      

Vikram Sarabhai comes with gentle and warm attributes he has an earnest disposition and real charming manners that earn him all the recognition and limelight

Career scope

Vikram Sarabhai is skillful, innovative and experimental when comes to his career. Thus each day is a day of new knowledge and discoveries for him.

Money scope

Vikram Sarabhai is blessed with good financial luck. His profession is a lucrative one and will be instrumental in filling his coffer.

Health scope

Vikram Sarabhai is born with a robust health. But his hectic life styles and busy schedules sometimes makes him ignore the needs of his body leading to a downfall of health.

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