Horoscope sign Aries

Aries Monthly Horoscope

Aries in one Line - This is a time for Arians to concentrate on work and this is also the phase when hard work is going to pay off really well..


July 2019 will be a month of challenges. As the sign lord Mars is debilitated and also the house of luck is led to impediments with Saturn and the nodes, you would suffer from poor gain throughout the month. Health will be sub-standard and this would be the reason for the poor show. Please Chant Nav-Graha Stotra, throughout the month. Results would be better.

Horoscope sign Aries

Aries Monthly Horoscope

Aries in one Line - This is a time for Arians to concentrate on work and this is also the phase when hard work is going to pay off really well..


July 2019 will be a month of challenges. As the sign lord Mars is debilitated and also the house of luck is led to impediments with Saturn and the nodes, you would suffer from poor gain throughout the month. Health will be sub-standard and this would be the reason for the poor show. Please Chant Nav-Graha Stotra, throughout the month. Results would be better.


Financial gains would be slow. Especially if relying on rental income, then the month would see some struggles. Please make it a point to manage your income and outflow. There is an indication that those who have been relying upon income through various rent, would see some disputes that would arise and shall pull down the entire income. Caution is advised as this would be significant.


The career will be normal. Those looking for a new role, it would be better, to wait and watch for some time. Since this would be helpful. Do not overdo the same. Just allow the required time to change the role. This would be helpful to one and all. Please avoid any form of experimentation. It can prove to be futile and dangerous.


The struggle of health is indicated. As Mars is debilitated, injuries cannot be ruled out. Especially those who are into athletics and are looking for special attention. The remedy would need some medication, which would sooth the overall gains of good health. Please maintain the medication until the last course. You would feel blessed and shall also see the outcome quite impressive.


Students will see slow retention. You would not be happy with the preparation. This would also be a time where you would need to pull up your socks to complete your preparation. Especially if into completing a professional course, such as CA, CS, Cost accountants. You would have to get the basics right and then appear for the exams. If not sure, then you may take time and then act accordingly. 


This is not the month, for love and romance. This would be the month, where you would need little attention. If dating each other, then this would be the month where if planning to settle in a nuptial knot then the outcome may not be as per expectations. Please postpone all your planning and then you can later decide the same. Since transits are not in favor, you should not get into any important activity.


Mars, the sign lord is debilitated and at the same time, Saturn in the house of luck and fortune, one should remain normal in expectations. Since this would be challenging and you would need more attention towards efforts. Else the month can pull down your overall gains. Do not be lenient please till the end of the month.

Dates to be cautious: 12th, 13th and 14th July 2019.

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Uddhav Thackeray

Date of Birth:27 July 1960
Zodiac Sign :Leo

Uddhav Thackeray is a well known political figure; son of the founder of Shiv Shena nationalist party. Currently he is f..Know More..