Capricorn in one Line - For the Goat, this is an enjoyable phase when all they have to do is to focus on what they enjoy the most..
Finally, there would be some relief to your Moon sign. This would be after a long gap. Since, Ketu would move away from your sign in this month, there would be much respite to many of you. Even those who were suffering from health ailments would see some recovery. Therefore, make the most of it around this month. You would end up being in a better state.
Capricorn in one Line - For the Goat, this is an enjoyable phase when all they have to do is to focus on what they enjoy the most..
Finally, there would be some relief to your Moon sign. This would be after a long gap. Since, Ketu would move away from your sign in this month, there would be much respite to many of you. Even those who were suffering from health ailments would see some recovery. Therefore, make the most of it around this month. You would end up being in a better state.
Finance and Money wise, you would see much improvement in this month. Expenses would come down drastically. This would be a good start to being with fresh savings. You would save a good portion of your earnings and thereafter you would make good gains too. So, relook at your portfolio as this would help you to maintain good finances.
Career wise, the day would bring much respite to many of you. New opportunities would come to you easily. In fact, many reference points would work in your favor. So, get the most of it around this month. Even if looking to start your own business, then too the month is favorable. Only caution is, enter proprietorship model of business. This would help you to keep the disputes out of your routine life.
Health wise, this would make you feel good. The more you would gain from good diet and exercise, this would help you throughout the month. Just ensure you stay away from addictions. Especially alcoholand tobacco. This would help you to solve many recurring health ailments. In fact, a general medical check up is advisable to all. This would enable you to make the most of it around this month.
Learning and Education wise, this month would be excellent. Those appearing for board exams would do very well. Just ensure you prepare till the last day as this would help you in retaining the knowledge. Do not be lenient towards any preparation. If need be, do take some extra leaning for better understanding of the subject.
The month would be auspicious for those looking to raise their family. Jupiter and Saturn are complementing each other. This would make the task easy. Just consult a Gynecologist to get medical assistance, if need be. They would give you the needed advice. This would bring improvement in your life. Towards the end of the month, you can expect some good news regarding the same.
Luck wise, the month would be good. Since the planetary alignment will uplift you to a new level. Even more to those who have been running the Mahadasha of Bhagesh in their natal chart. So, all that you could not achieve in the past will come to you easily around this month. Make the most of it now. If possible do visit Nav-graha temple every Thursday.
Dates to be cautious: 23rd, 24th and 25thMarch 2019.
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