Horoscope sign Capricorn

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Capricorn in one Line - For the Goat, this is an enjoyable phase when all they have to do is to focus on what they enjoy the most..


For Capricorn moon sign, this would be testing time. Since for the past many months you have been working hard to receive what you desire. But for some reason or the other it had been postponed completely. But believe me, this would change now. You would see many of your desires coming true. Just relax. Do not be in any hurry. Since, soon, your time would be in your side.  

Horoscope sign Capricorn

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Capricorn in one Line - For the Goat, this is an enjoyable phase when all they have to do is to focus on what they enjoy the most..


For Capricorn moon sign, this would be testing time. Since for the past many months you have been working hard to receive what you desire. But for some reason or the other it had been postponed completely. But believe me, this would change now. You would see many of your desires coming true. Just relax. Do not be in any hurry. Since, soon, your time would be in your side.  


The past few months, have been difficult to save despite good earnings. But this scene would change soon. Please remain careful as some sudden expenses can take the seat of priority. This would need attention. Do not be in a hurry to react. Just keep yourself clam and analyze the benefits of what you would earn and what you would lose. You would be happy with the exercise. Also, the month is good for investing in real estate properties.


Career wise, you would be unhappy with the progress in the 1st half of the month. But as soon as you would cross 14th January 2019, you would suddenly see rise in your status.  There would be good gains in your future and you shall make good gains. New opportunities, especially in the Government services can be expected by a few of you. This would be a new beginning for many of you.


Health would have been a problem many of you in the recent past. This would soon, turn beneficial. But at the same-time you would need to remain careful. At least in the 1st half of the month. Those who underwent heart surgery would need some medication and attention. This would help you to overcome any ailment which would be bothersome. Take your doctors advise for better and faster recovery.


Students will struggle initially. They would find it difficult to grapple with extra knowledge. But this will soon settle down to their favor. With little hard work, you will find retention and comprehension improving. But yes, do take help of your mentor and teachers from time to time. They would advise you wisely.  Even your foundation will be improved thoroughly.


The month is especially good for those dating each other for long. You would be content with your relationship, which would be blissful. Some of you would finally muster courage to propose and settle down in relationship. Do not worry, the month would not disappoint you in any many. You would be happy if deciding to entire into nuptial knot. You would be happy with the gains throughout the month.


Luck would be supportive. In fact, the gains which have been supporting you for some time now, would be helpful. Many of your actions would bear fruits now. This would delight you completely. In fact, you would be happy with the gain in this month. Also, your mother would be a reason for many good progresses in life. This would also be a phase, where you would meet new friends who would prove to be luck to you.

Dates to be cautious:  29th, 30th and 31st January 2019.

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