Horoscope sign Capricorn

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Capricorn in one Line - For the Goat, this is an enjoyable phase when all they have to do is to focus on what they enjoy the most..


The month of February 2020 will be mixed. Initially it would look better, but towards the middle and end of the month, you will find the peak of sade sathi will be more troublesome to you. It would be a difficult state that will question your ability in all walks of life. Also, you will be unhappy with the experience that will bother you around this month. Just remain patient this month to endure what you have experienced.

Horoscope sign Capricorn

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Capricorn in one Line - For the Goat, this is an enjoyable phase when all they have to do is to focus on what they enjoy the most..


The month of February 2020 will be mixed. Initially it would look better, but towards the middle and end of the month, you will find the peak of sade sathi will be more troublesome to you. It would be a difficult state that will question your ability in all walks of life. Also, you will be unhappy with the experience that will bother you around this month. Just remain patient this month to endure what you have experienced.


Finance and Money wise you will not be comfortable throughout the month. Expenses will see a rise and you will be forced to mend with the difficulty in your life. Try to keep your expenses under control, else you will be in a state of difficulty to deal with these problems. Also, make it a point not to give credit or loans to anyone. 


Career wise, you will have to keep yourself as much under control as much as possible. With the peak of sade sathi, you can lose your job with the slightest of mistake that will hurt your reputation. It would also be a month where you will need to keep all your expectations under check. This will enable you to stay afloat as much as you can.    


Health which is wealth to one and all is well placed. You will be health conscious throughout the month. Especially if overweight has been the problem, then you will spend time in the gym and work out. This will tone your muscles. Some of you will also take swimming as an activity. Cardio exercise will improve your fitness and by then will also give you stamina and strength. Only advise is, do take a balance diet.


After a long gap student pursuing any sport in professional academy or pursuing skill development course will be the most beneficial. You will remain competitive throughout the month. Some of you will soon find a role after completing the vocational course.  Take it up as the same will add knowledge to your working ability. You will feel blessed and shall remain one step ahead of your peers.


Good time for partners dating each other for long. If seeking an allegiance of your partner, then you will surely achieve what you desire. But time is not conducive for marriage and nuptial knot. Please take some time. The next few months will surely see marked improvement and time will be highly conducive for marriage and settle down completely. Please avoid any dispute until then. Especially in relation to marriage.


With the house of gains being very active, what more can you ask for? Luck will be high in the second half of the month. Though the positive vibes will be seen towards right from the first half of the month. Please remain focused. The outcome will remain excellent. Many of your desire will fructify in the second half of the month. 

Dates to be cautious:  13th, 14th and 15th February 2020.

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Randhir Kapoor

Date of Birth:15 February 1947
Zodiac Sign :Aquarius

Randhir Kapoor is one of the sons of the famed Kapoor family of Bollywood. He is one of the sons of the veteran actor of..Know More..