Horoscope sign Leo

Leo Monthly Horoscope

Leo in one Line - With high expectations and charged spirits Leo is all set to conquer obstacles and emerge as a winners.


February 2020 will be a month where your luck and gains will be ahead of time to please your ego. Yes, you would experience such miracles that will be unimaginable and shall also give you a special position in your social status.Just keep your fingers crossed, as your good time has not completely started supporting you. It would be a wonderful month for Leo native.

Horoscope sign Leo

Leo Monthly Horoscope

Leo in one Line - With high expectations and charged spirits Leo is all set to conquer obstacles and emerge as a winners.


February 2020 will be a month where your luck and gains will be ahead of time to please your ego. Yes, you would experience such miracles that will be unimaginable and shall also give you a special position in your social status.Just keep your fingers crossed, as your good time has not completely started supporting you. It would be a wonderful month for Leo native.


Slowly profits will see a rise. Those into self-employment will find many new opportunities that will elevate your position to earn more. In fact, you would see new assignments that are lucrative and fitting your ability to earn more. So, February 2020 will give you additional income to your talent and you should make use of it completely. Keep an account of your flow of money. 


Good time to see some change in job and career. This would elevate you to a new phase. Please make it a point to remain focused. As career opportunities will come to you easily and that too will new shared of colour This would be a phase, where you would need little attention and care to overcome ego problems as some of the task that you would undertake, may hurt your ego. Flip side, will be you would see a rise.   


Health will be improving. As the support of Jupiter will keep you going, your ailments that bothered you will also take a back seat now. It would be a month were those undergoing any form of treatment will also find the support of luck and benevolence of Sun, Jupiter and Venus. Only the time after 21st February 2020 should be carefully tread as chances for minor accidents are likely seen.


Students pursuing higher studies trough distance learning programme may require little extra classes to clear their academic baggage. You would also be in a position to improve your grades with little hard work. But for that, you would need to be regular to your studies. Make sure you do not take them leniently. Else you would regret your performance. February 2020 will be supportive in this regard. 


Good month for singles and those dating each other for long. You would find the support of your family and partner to tie the nuptial knot. Even casual relationship will now turn serious and you would be completely committed towards your partner. It would be a wonderful month for all those looking for a happy ending. Just pray to the almighty until you find answers in personal life. 


The month is full of gains and good luck. The little ease which was visible until last month will now be in full swing to help you. It would be here that will need you to be little more careful when it comes to deal with confidence level. It can put you down completely if overconfident. Just remain focused and balance the work with efforts and good luck.

Dates to be cautious: 27th, 28th and 29th February 2020.    

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sushma swaraj

Date of Birth:14 February 1952
Zodiac Sign :Aquarius

Sushma Swaraj is a well known figure in Indian politics. She had been a lawyer of Supreme Court in the past and is curre..Know More..