Leo in one Line - With high expectations and charged spirits Leo is all set to conquer obstacles and emerge as a winners.
The month of January 2019 would bring surprises to your sign. This would make you feel excited. But at the same time, you would be advised to remain careful. Especially in the 1st half of the month. Since, Sun and Saturn would be conjoined, things would slow down in your life. This would make you feel dejected and you would lose your temperament. Do not lose focus, just allow the time to settle down and then you would enjoy the grace.
Leo in one Line - With high expectations and charged spirits Leo is all set to conquer obstacles and emerge as a winners.
The month of January 2019 would bring surprises to your sign. This would make you feel excited. But at the same time, you would be advised to remain careful. Especially in the 1st half of the month. Since, Sun and Saturn would be conjoined, things would slow down in your life. This would make you feel dejected and you would lose your temperament. Do not lose focus, just allow the time to settle down and then you would enjoy the grace.
Finance and Money management would be moderate as you would be quite balanced in your expenditure. You would not spend without any reason which would help you to save good portion of your income. However, if planning to enhance income through speculation, then the month may not be as supportive as it would look like. Therefore, please keep a check on the money flow.
Career wise, this would be a month of testing your ability. You would meet many high handed individuals, who would propose you some opportunity or the other. But they may not be people of substance. Therefore, you would need some patience which would help you to deal with the situations during this month. Do your homework before, accepting these propositions, since, they may glitter like, gold, but would turn out to a mere paper offer.
Health wise you would see some sluggishness during the first half of the month. Sleep disorder can be a common problem, which would need to be tackled accordingly. Please do not take any medicine for better sleep, just control your diet and exercise regularly. Also, those who underwent any recent surgery for their abdomen, would need some post-operative care. Please consult your doctor for the same. Rest would remain fine.
Students pursuing for government exams, would do well. Especially after the 14th of January 2019. Though you would still need the help of your mentor, still, overall performance would not disappoint you. Therefore, do pull up the socks and this would give you much better results. Also, do ensure you take up some mock test to prepare accordingly. This would improve your knowledge and give you speed in your performance.
This is one area which would not work in your favor. Especially if dating for long and looking to settle down with your relationship. But nothing to worry, soon, you would find a good alliance in the months to come. It would be advisable to then ensure into nuptial knot. Until then, just get going with your partner. For those who are already married, are advised to keep a low profile. This would help you to maintain the movement in relationship.
The luck factor would be mixed thoughout the entire month. Since, Sun would be conjoined with Saturn and then would join with Ketu. Therefore, some dim prospects with regard to luck and fortune can be expected. However, your determination would not be dimmed and you shall be focused to achieve your goal with your dedication and hard work. Thus, this would not disappoint you much with your achievements.
Dates to be cautious: 14th, 15th and 16th January 2019.
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