Horoscope sign Libra

Libra Monthly Horoscope

Libra in one Line - Librans are advised to move steadily towards their goals carefully filtering out all distractions.


July 2019 is the month for government service. Those in the field of government activities will do well. Which means, they would be elevated to a new position. A position which will be quite impressive and shall make you the defector choice for handling important portfolios. Just remain normal and you shall do well in the entire month due to efforts and dedication. 

Horoscope sign Libra

Libra Monthly Horoscope

Libra in one Line - Librans are advised to move steadily towards their goals carefully filtering out all distractions.


July 2019 is the month for government service. Those in the field of government activities will do well. Which means, they would be elevated to a new position. A position which will be quite impressive and shall make you the defector choice for handling important portfolios. Just remain normal and you shall do well in the entire month due to efforts and dedication. 


Jupiter will remain in retrograde even in the month of July 2019. Which means, this would be the last month where some strain in finance is likely. Once, you move ahead to a new phase, surpassing this phase, the month will be quite good with regard to financial gains. Maintain some distance from impulsive expenses. This would help you financially, after 18th July 2019.


If awaiting promotion, then the month will fulfill your success. Maintain good gains which have not been seen until now. The transit of Sun and Mars is forming a Raj-Yoga throughout the month. Which will be the driving force in your side. Please make it a point to work closely with colleagues and peers, who will take you to a new level in career.


Those into athletics can suffer from Minor injuries. Though there is a strong chance of Spinal problem which can be troublesome to you. This would be a reason where you would fall short of poor immunity. Please do not take anything lightly. As chance are high for you to suffer from poor health. In fact, even hospitalization cannot be ruled out in that case. 


July 2019 will be quite good for education and learning. Which means you would do well in your academic performance. Learning will be interesting and also those planning to pursue higher education in a foreign land will also do well. This would be a special month, where getting enrollment will be quite easy. In fact, it would be due to your efforts, that performance will improve.


Those planning to marry after a long gap are advised to consider a suitable Muhurta in the month. This would be a good phase where elders and family members will be very supportive. You would be blessed with a suitable divine grace. Please continue your endeavor as this would be a good phase. Marriage will be quite successful in this month.


The support of Jupiter is continuing to do well. But at the same time, you would need little patience. Since there is a Vedha which will be created that will pause the good grace of Jupiter. Please make it a point to remain focused on efforts. The overall outcome will be good with the same. Please maintain the genuine throughout the month.

Dates to be cautious: 1st, 30th and 31st July 2019.

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Uddhav Thackeray

Date of Birth:27 July 1960
Zodiac Sign :Leo

Uddhav Thackeray is a well known political figure; son of the founder of Shiv Shena nationalist party. Currently he is f..Know More..