Horoscope sign Pisces

Pisces Monthly Horoscope

Pisces in one Line - Pisceans have to control their wanderlust and stop their imagination from blowing out of control..


The house of intelligence will be quite supportive. As the transit of Mercury and Sun will be supportive since the inception. Please maximize the gains. The outcome will be impressive. Maintain good patience towards the end of the month, you would feel blessed with the outcome. Also, try not to dispute the difference of opinion with family members. This is the only area to be cautious.

Horoscope sign Pisces

Pisces Monthly Horoscope

Pisces in one Line - Pisceans have to control their wanderlust and stop their imagination from blowing out of control..


The house of intelligence will be quite supportive. As the transit of Mercury and Sun will be supportive since the inception. Please maximize the gains. The outcome will be impressive. Maintain good patience towards the end of the month, you would feel blessed with the outcome. Also, try not to dispute the difference of opinion with family members. This is the only area to be cautious.


The temptation to invest and speculate will be high. Which is good. You would feel the importance of earning more money. There shall be a good flow of money. More so since the start of the month, which is 5th July 2019. Try not to disturb the good luck as this would be the reason for good gain for most of you.


If looking for a government job, then the month of July 2019 will not be very supportive. Though opportunities in the private sector will not be disappointing. Only advise is you would need to be very meticulous in your activities as achievements will demand a professional touch. Try your best to avoid being lenient towards good and hard work. The outcome would be disturbing.


Learning will not be good. Creativity and also the art of learning will be encouraging. Please maintain good gains in this phase. Else you would be left behind in your preparation. Try to avoid being lenient and do not be academically secondary in your activities. You would need to take some mock test after the 20th of the month for better comprehension.


If planning to marry, then the time before the end of 17th July 2019 is auspicious. Since the earth axis will be moving southward and the auspicious time will not be as expecting. Please expedite the plan accordingly. Though the support of Jupiter will exist until the end, it would be better to consider the Alamac and decide a suitable timing before the middle of the month.


Will there be any support of luck, then certainly Yes! You would be blessed with good luck and also the rise of your fortunes. Please make it a point to maximize your achievements accordingly. Jupiter and Saturn are in a position to help you more now. In fact, you would need the support and rise of your fortunes in this month to initiate something new.

Dates to be cautious: 14th15th and 16th July 2019. 

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Uddhav Thackeray

Date of Birth:27 July 1960
Zodiac Sign :Leo

Uddhav Thackeray is a well known political figure; son of the founder of Shiv Shena nationalist party. Currently he is f..Know More..