Horoscope sign Sagittarius

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

Sagittarius in one Line - Most Sagittarians are likely to be super involved with building a better lifestyle for themselves and their families.


The wrath of Saturn will finally come down to a great extent this month. Which means, you would be blessed with some better times that will last for time to come. Yes, February 2020 will be a wonderful month for those suffering from the peak of sade sathi, as this effect will now come down completely. Saturn is no more in your sign to create problems.

Horoscope sign Sagittarius

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

Sagittarius in one Line - Most Sagittarians are likely to be super involved with building a better lifestyle for themselves and their families.


The wrath of Saturn will finally come down to a great extent this month. Which means, you would be blessed with some better times that will last for time to come. Yes, February 2020 will be a wonderful month for those suffering from the peak of sade sathi, as this effect will now come down completely. Saturn is no more in your sign to create problems.


Financially the month will not be as great as it would look like. Since Saturn in the house of income will reduce its flows and shall also put you in a defensive state. Try to curb expense as much as you can, since now what every you would earn will need the support of divine grace to save the income that you earn. Let there be no confusion in this as your financial gains will give you the required confidence that would be required.


The month is good for finding new job or career opportunities. Even starting your own business will be good. But make sure you use your own funds as investments or capital. Since, this would be less risky. Else it would not be a great month for business. Also, you are advised not to take any additional credit or loans from family members. They too may not be happy with your seeking.


Health will finally be much better. You would be much focused and diet conscious in this month. Therefore, do not worry much about health. Yes, after 20th of February 2020, you would need some medical check-up. It would lead you to better phase throughout the year. Else you would not be able to find the ailment easily subsiding. Little attention is needed now.


Students pursuing higher studies will need some attention this month. Though Saturn have moved away from your sign, it would still be attached to poor learning curve as the effects of sade sathi has not completely subsided. Try to be as humble as possible and let your mentor correct the areas of 

improvement. They would give you all forms of preparatory tips. It would be a wonderful month.  


For those looking out for suitable alliance will find one. After a long time, your dream will come true. Especially if the natal chart is also supportive. Then marriage is assured. Also, a good time for those planning to date and finalize their wedding. Bonding will improve between those already married and this will act as a cherry in your relationship. The month is also good to plan to raise a family.


The luck factor is one area which will improve your achievements. You will see an ease brewing up since the start of the month. This will slowly pick up and soon, you will feel content and blessed. Make sure you are not lenient. As hard work will also improv your achievements for the month.  Do Visit Nav-Graha temple every Thursday’s for better outcome.

Dates to be cautious: 10th,11th and 12th February 2020.   

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sushma swaraj

Date of Birth:14 February 1952
Zodiac Sign :Aquarius

Sushma Swaraj is a well known figure in Indian politics. She had been a lawyer of Supreme Court in the past and is curre..Know More..