Horoscope sign Scorpio

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Scorpio in one Line - Most Scorpions are recovering from a phase that was marked with hypocrisy and pretense.


The month of July 2019, will see the transit of Sun and Jupiter uplifting your fortunes to a new level. Which will be the reason for a better outcome. Thanks to the support of your father or paternal relation. They would ensure you are admired and uplifted in all walks of your life. The month of July 2019, will be the last month which will see the status quo. Post this, you would see the rise of overall fortune.

Horoscope sign Scorpio

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Scorpio in one Line - Most Scorpions are recovering from a phase that was marked with hypocrisy and pretense.


The month of July 2019, will see the transit of Sun and Jupiter uplifting your fortunes to a new level. Which will be the reason for a better outcome. Thanks to the support of your father or paternal relation. They would ensure you are admired and uplifted in all walks of your life. The month of July 2019, will be the last month which will see the status quo. Post this, you would see the rise of overall fortune.


Finance and Money wise, you would maintain a good flow of money. Those investments which were done in the past will now bear fruits. In fact, you would be out of the shackles of austerity. Especially after the 17th of July 2019. Do not lose patience until then. Time is in your hand, just allow them to slowly move in your favor completely.


The career will be slowly on an upward movement. Tough the debilitated Mars will pose some problems, but you would not be let down in any manner. Just allow the time to settle down. The rewards of your efforts will start bearing fruits from the subsequent months. But until then, you would not be disappointed in any manner. You would do well in all walks of your life till then.


Health will be one area which will be a matter of concern. Since the health of your sign native will be below average. Immunity will be a matter of concern. Constant cough and cold will be bothersome. Do not rubbish it merely as a climatic change and a reason not to worry. But yes, in case of any such ailment, you would need little medication and this would be the reason for you to overcome many pains and difficulties.          


The month will be slow in terms of learning. But retention will now be affected. This would make you work hard and earn the desired respect. Please make it a point to stick to your routine learning. The day will be fulfilling and the outcome will be encouraging. Overall academic performance will be quite impressive.  Your mentors and preceptors too will admire you.


Marriage is on the cards, though it would be better to engage in the month and take the marriage proposal to the subsequent month. The support of your partner will be very encouraging. This would be the rising fact in your life. The overall month will be exciting, however, just allow the time to settle since the overall happiness will be seen after July 2019.


Luck and fortune continue to grace you upon this month. Thanks to Jupiter’s aspect in the house of luck. Despite the debilitation of Mars which will not harm you severely. In fact, the luck factor will augment due to long distance travel. Maximize your luck and gains through this. You would feel content and happy.

Dates to be cautious:  2nd 3rd and 4th July 2019.

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Uddhav Thackeray

Date of Birth:27 July 1960
Zodiac Sign :Leo

Uddhav Thackeray is a well known political figure; son of the founder of Shiv Shena nationalist party. Currently he is f..Know More..