Horoscope sign Taurus

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Taurus in one Line - Taurus is going to meet quite a few interesting people in this phase.


The month of July 2019, will be quite supportive as the transit of Venus upon your sign is quite encouraging. You would be at the best around this phase and shall be quite impressive overall. Personality wise, you would be liked to be one and all. This would also be the month, where many of your desires will get accomplished like a golden wish. You would be at your best then.

Horoscope sign Taurus

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Taurus in one Line - Taurus is going to meet quite a few interesting people in this phase.


The month of July 2019, will be quite supportive as the transit of Venus upon your sign is quite encouraging. You would be at the best around this phase and shall be quite impressive overall. Personality wise, you would be liked to be one and all. This would also be the month, where many of your desires will get accomplished like a golden wish. You would be at your best then.



Money wise, the month is quite good for those into the field of entertainment. This would a month, where you would see a rise in your additional income. Through the form of returns through investments. Please maintain good gains. Also, maintain a checklist of investments. This would help you in assessing your returns. You would be quite content with the outcome. 


Those in the field of show business will see rise in booking. Mainly due to your talent and merit. Make it a point to maximize your earnings and also get good career rise. This would be rewarding for one and all. Try your best to earn respect through good work. Rewards will be quite impressive in the long run. Even international show business is likely to give you recognition.


Healthwise, the month would be quite impressive. Though diet plan may skip and shall not be interested to maintain good health. Please avoid being lenient. This would not help you around the month. Especially those who have been undergoing treatment for gullet larynx and cerebellum. Do not take them leniently as medication would be needed until the end. Patiently the ailment would subside. 


Students are will show marked improvement in learning towards the second half of the month. Though preparation would be good even in the first half, high competition can pull down your confidence. You would lack the interest to take on the competition. This would be a sign or under-preparedness. Please work on the same until then.


The transit of Venus upon your sign for almost the entire month will bring favorable results. You would be quite happy with the transit and this would be blissful.  More so, to those who have been planning to settle down with their loved life. The time is quite auspicious till 23rd July 2019 and if planning to get into the rituals, then the time will be auspicious and happiness is assured. Seek the blessings of the elders too for smooth sailing. 


The combined transit of Venus and Jupiter is quite blissful. You would be happy to be blessed in all walks of life. More so, if planning to seek assistance through opposite sex, they would bring the luck charm with them. But make sure you seek help from them only to the extent you need the same. Else you would rely upon them totally.  

Dates to be cautious: 15th, 16th and 17th July 2019.

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Uddhav Thackeray

Date of Birth:27 July 1960
Zodiac Sign :Leo

Uddhav Thackeray is a well known political figure; son of the founder of Shiv Shena nationalist party. Currently he is f..Know More..