Horoscope sign Taurus

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Taurus in one Line - Taurus is going to meet quite a few interesting people in this phase.


The support of sign lord important through out life. In fact, if you would see the transit of Venus since the start of the month, along with Jupiter will be highly beneficial. This would also be a phase where you would excel in all your endeavor. In fact, you would progress in every step in your life. Just remain focused, the month would have an excellent gain. The outcome would give you the required confidence in January 2019.

Horoscope sign Taurus

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Taurus in one Line - Taurus is going to meet quite a few interesting people in this phase.


The support of sign lord important through out life. In fact, if you would see the transit of Venus since the start of the month, along with Jupiter will be highly beneficial. This would also be a phase where you would excel in all your endeavor. In fact, you would progress in every step in your life. Just remain focused, the month would have an excellent gain. The outcome would give you the required confidence in January 2019.


Finance and Money management would be excellent. You would gain from the past investments. This would also help you to save for future. Only advise is not to spend money on unwanted expenses. This would affect your overall gains. Take a simple exercise, just keep a good portion of money for future capital. You would gain from the same. This would be in the phase where you would save a good phase.


Those who have been out of job, would not worry. Just will be a phase where you would find a new job. The same would give you some confidence, which was missing for long. Just allow the time to settle down. This would make you bold and shall also give you name and fame. Just spread your network. You would remain happy with the same.


Health wise, you would do well. In fact, you would remain immune and shall enjoy good appetite through out the month. Watch out for your weight may increase which may disturb your fitness. Please control you diet. Else this will make you sluggish throughout the month. Also, some of you would plan to start a gym training programme. This is good, but would need the help of an instructor. Since they would help you work on the nuances.  


Education and Learning is important, but at the same time you would need some patience as retention would be slow. Towards the end of the month, if appearing for any competitive, exams, then your performance would be excellent. This would boost your confidence. Just remain focused and take the help of your mentor where ever needed. Just allow the time to settle in your favor.


The month is excellent for partners in love with each other. If planning to settle down to marry, then the time before 29th January 2019 is highly supportive. This would make you pleased to be with your partner. This is also the time, where you would have to listen to your partner more than anything else. Else, you would be under pain as this would not let you go through easily. Only advise is take the help of an expert to spot the auspicious date and time to tie the nuptial knot.


The support of luck which was missing for long will certainly come in your favor through out the month. Venus and Jupiter would continue to grace your sign. This would enable you to maximize your gains. Also, this is the time, where you would need some patience since your mind would work much faster than the action in your life. Please take a back seat. Do not hurry up and allow the time to do the rest of the actions.   

Dates to be cautious:  th, 6th and 7th January 2019.

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Meera vasudevan

Date of Birth:29 January 1982
Zodiac Sign :Aquarius

Meera Vasudevan is a model as well as actress of the Indian movie industry. Her works are focused mainly on Tamil, Teleg..Know More..