Horoscope sign Taurus

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Taurus in one Line - Taurus is going to meet quite a few interesting people in this phase.


February 2020 will be a mixed month for Taurus native. Some of you will plan to start something new, but may end in failure. For other success will be in all leaps and bound. The first step is to consult the appropriateness of time to avoid any down fall. You will certainly be content to take an informed decision.

Horoscope sign Taurus

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Taurus in one Line - Taurus is going to meet quite a few interesting people in this phase.


February 2020 will be a mixed month for Taurus native. Some of you will plan to start something new, but may end in failure. For other success will be in all leaps and bound. The first step is to consult the appropriateness of time to avoid any down fall. You will certainly be content to take an informed decision.


February 2020 advices you little caution while taking any form of credit. Since repayment will be a challenge in the days to come. So, find out your financial leverage and then take the right decision. If possible, try to work on an excel sheet and then decide the returns wisely. Avoid blocking money in real estate please.


Career is going well. But at the same time, you are planning to start something new. It is a good idea to put the pieces together and work on the initial stage. But ideally if planning to execute, then hold on! The time after February 2020 is much better to implement the same. This is also true for those planning to change their job.


Health will be much better throughout the month. Except from 18th till 20nd, you can suffer from minor stomach infection. In such a case, make sure you take proper medication and also take the appropriate diet. It is necessary as if you leave it lenient chances are high for getting hospitalized. Prevention is always better than cure you see. So, keep your focus intact.


Is learning a real challenge? Then this month may add to more problems and troubles. You are advised to check your preparations before appearing for any test. As you can be easily underprepared with it. Try not to avoid being reliant on group studies. As the month is not supportive in group activities. It can end up in waste of time.


The month of February 2020 needs special care in love life. As the planet of love and romance is in the house of loss, you can easily suffer from mood swings and fights with your partner. Try to keep your profile low. It is a temporary move, soon you would be out of all the challenges that you have been enduring. 


Luck will support you, though occasionally. You would realize its pains from time to time. What you are advised here is not to rely on luck alone. Else you can pay a price. Try to keep your efforts, in balance with the support of luck. The month will not be as disappointing as it would look like.

Dates to be cautious:  18th, 19th and 20th February 2020.

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sushma swaraj

Date of Birth:14 February 1952
Zodiac Sign :Aquarius

Sushma Swaraj is a well known figure in Indian politics. She had been a lawyer of Supreme Court in the past and is curre..Know More..